Hanging Plants
In India and abroad, plants are grown in hanging baskets for flowers and foliage, which can be hung in verandas, rooms, tree branches to enhance the beauty of that place. They can also be hung with the help of a pillar etc. on various parts of the garden; such as footpaths, roads etc. Sometimes different types of flowers are planted in a single basket. For this, along with Dracaena or Palm, a plant with attractive foliage is planted in the center of the basket and plants with hanging branches are planted around the edges. For this, plants like Tradescantia, Barvina Petunia, Jaundice Muscosa etc. are suitable.
In India, sometimes plants are planted in baskets made of wood, bamboo, reeds etc., whereas in foreign countries, plastic containers are used exclusively, because wire containers often rust, as a result of which they get damaged quickly. Plastic containers are white, green or brown in color. Apart from these, there are also containers of yellow, blue or red color. Some producers also paint plastic containers in light black color, which is done with the aim of hiding the plastic container. Containers are of 10, 15, 17, 20 and 25 cm sizes, which are selected on the basis of growth and development of the plants.
For growing plants in hanging baskets, earthenware pots fitted with saucers and chains are also used. Single-wire clip hangers are also used. In foreign countries, pots made of cedar and redwood in various shapes and sizes are used. Ceramic pots, Mexican type pottery and fiberglass pots are also used for this purpose, which are available in garden centers, flower shops and other places, but are very expensive and do not have drainage holes.
Wire baskets with a liner or sheet of Shangum moss can be used. This container dries out quickly in windy areas.
Now a new plastic basket is also available. This basket has three separate parts. The base has side holes or windows. Fully grown plants can be placed in it but they cannot be pushed through. The open spaces are covered by a lid, and snaps into place, doing this increases the height of the basket. A saucer is placed in it before selling.
Other types of containers used include pressed fiber shellers, chopped fern roots, coconut husks in various forms, clear plastic bowls and glass
While selecting containers for hanging baskets, the following points should be considered:
1. Does the container have drainage holes?
2. Can the container be hung easily?
3. Can the container be stored for a long period of time?
4. Does it have sufficient root space?
5. Is the basket or container heavy enough to support the hanger?
Hanging Baskets
Soil Mixtures
Mediums used in hanging baskets and other containers should be loose. A standard potting mix should have a ratio of soil, sphangum moss and perlite of 1:1:2 or 2:1:1. The medium should be free from weed seeds, pests, pathogens and harmful chemicals.
Soilless mixes (peat-perlite or peat-vermiculite) are found to be satisfactory as they are light weight although these mixes dry out very quickly. Soil mixes become very heavy after watering.
Watering plants grown in hanging baskets in greenhouses takes a lot of time as they are above eye level and one should not bump the pots and hence all the pots should be watered carefully.
Plastic watering tubes are used to prepare each hanging basket on a large scale. Hanging baskets dry out quickly due to air circulation. Plants with large leaves are grown in wire or open-sided containers. These should be checked from time to time and watered when required.
A new Hydrogel soil amendment should be added to the medium. Its addition increases the water available in the medium, which reduces the time of watering.
Plants should not wilt and should not be over-watered. Watering takes time. Watering is essential for normal growth of plants.
Plants grown in two baskets containing wire and sphangum moss are immersed in them, which are filled with water. If the peat is allowed to dry in such baskets, they can re-absorb water with great difficulty.
Liquid or water soluble fertilizers should be used. Slow release fertilizers are considered best for hanging baskets. If soilless mixes are used, slow release fertilizers should be used and adequate fertilizer reserve should also be provided. Overdosing of fertilizers can burn the roots and does not result in leaching.
Planting in the Containers
Seedlings or fresh cuttings grown in cell packs or individual pots are best for best results. The best planting material should be fully established. Planting material grown in 5-15 cm pots should be used for planting in hanging baskets.
Seeds or cuttings should be planted in baskets but growers should wait until the plants have filled the baskets before planting more plants in the pot. Growing dense plants in pots is not recommended. Cuttings or seeds should be given adequate space to grow.
Floral Hanging Baskets
1-5 cm of space is needed to water the container with the growing medium. If the medium in a hanging basket is filled to the rim, watering becomes very difficult. On the other hand, if more space is available, more water will be stored.
Hanging baskets sold in the US usually grow a single cultivar or species of plant such as "Pink Cascade" Petunias or impatiens while combination baskets are more popular in Europe and parts of the US, particularly California. Trailing plants such as Lobelia or Campanula are planted along the outer rim of the container, while the Centre of the container is planted with upright or semi-upright growing plants such as Dusty Miller, Geraniums (but not ivy types) and Heliotrope.
In India also, sometimes different types of plants are planted in the same basket. For this, a leafy plant like Isina or Palm is planted in the center of the basket or plants with hanging branches are planted around the edges. For this, plants like Tradescantia, Petunia, Barbina, Jaundice Muscosa etc. are suitable.
Selection of Plant material for Hanging Baskets
A. Flowering plants
Abutilon (flowering maple) – Many species are grown for making attractive hanging baskets, but the species Abutition megpotamicum variegatum (Weeping Chinese latern) is considered the best. Other successful species are A. pictum and A. striatum which are propagated by cuttings. They are also pinched out, as a result of which the plants become bushy.
Achimens (nut ordid, cupid's bower; magflower) – Plant 6-9 rhizomes in a pot of 15 cm diameter. For the development of branches – do pinching. New European varieties give big flowers.
Ageratum houtonianum (floss flower, paint brush) – This is a species suitable for open sunny places. The two coloured species can be grown in a pot. The plant grows upwards and is bushy.
Antirrhinum majus (Snapdragon) – This is suitable for growing in sunny places – its dwarf species should be grown.
Begonia (Begmia species) – Many varieties and other varieties are grown from Begonia semperflorens. It requires sunlight and partial shade to grow.
Browallia speciosa variety major (browallia) – It is grown in sunny places where the temperature is less than 16°C. There the leaves become chlorotic and growth stops. 4-6 plants should be grown in a 25 cm diameter pot. Cuttings can be taken till March. Excessive water should not be given as doing so damages the roots of the plants.
Campenula isophylla (Italian bellflows, star of Bethleehem) – It is grown in open sunlight. 4-6 plants are planted in a pot of 20 cm diameter.
Chrysanthemuss morifolium (Chrysanthemum) – It is grown in open sunlight. Cascading varieties give good results.
Clerodendrum thomsoniae (glorybower, bleeding heart vine, tube flower) – Full sunlight is required in winters and partial shade in summers. Propagation is done by tube cuttings. Three plants should be grown in a basket of 20 cm diameter and four plants should be grown in a basket of 25 cm diameter. These plants grow well in acidic medium which prevents chlorosis. Plants become saleable in 8-10 weeks. Do not over water.
Coleus blumei (Coleus ) - New varieties grown in beds, very useful for hanging baskets. Bushy growth should be pinched off; flower buds should be plucked out as they form.
Coleus rehneltianus C. V. “Trailing Queen" - It is usually used in hanging baskets.
Columnea - Many of its species produce the best hanging basket plants, the main species of which are - arguta, C. gloriosa, C. hirta, C. microphylla C. rulae, to get flowers, grow at 13-16°C temperature in December-January. Do not water the plants in December. Start drying the plants in October.
Convolvulus tricolor (morning glory, dwarf, glorybind) - Use its dwarf varieties. Flowers are found in large quantities in dry and dry places.
Cuphaca platycentre (fire cracker plants mexican cigar plant) - It requires open sunlight. Flowers bloom 4-5 months after sowing the seeds.
Dianthus latifolius; D. deltoides, D. plumarius (Garden pinks, Carnations) Flowers bloom in sunny places. New varieties should be grown. Flowers bloom freely on plants and are of various colours.
Dimorphotheca auranticus (Cape marigold) - It is a plant that grows in open sunlight. Its flowers are yellow and white.
Felicia ammeloides (Blue daisy, blue marguerite) - It is a plant that grows in open sunlight. Pinching should be done for the growth of branches. Old flowers do not fall off. They should be plucked and separated by hand.
Hanging Flower Baskets
Fuchsia hybrids (Lady's ear-drops) - It is a plant that grows in partial shade. It is a very popular hanging basket plant sold in spring. 20 or 22 cm. Grow 3 plants in a 10 cm diameter pot and 4-6 plants in a 25 cm pot. Pinching is essential for the development of their shape. Continuous pinching is essential for the development of its branches. If the plant is kept in direct sunlight, the foliage will burn.
Gamolepis tagetes (Sunshine daisy) – It is a plant grown in open sunlight. The plant grows 10 to 25 cm in height. Its flowers are like daisies, which are bright yellow to orange in colour and 1 to 2 cm in diameter. The plants are very difficult to resist only when they are small. They flower in large numbers.
Gilia capitat (Blue thimble flower) – It is a plant grown in open sunlight. The flowers keep blooming for a long time. The flowers are globe shaped. The plants of the variety called Star Dust are 15 to 22 cm tall. Flowers are golden yellow, bright pink, cream, orange, red and sky blue.
Heliotropium pesuvianum or H. arborescens (Heliotrope) - It is a plant grown in open sunlight and gives a sweet fragrance. Pinching is required to develop the base of the plant and flowering branches.
Impatiens Sultani (Sultanas, snapared buzy Lizzie, and Patience) - It prefers shaded places, while New Guinea variety tolerates full sunlight. Pinch is essential for growth of branches and compactness. It is an excellent plant for shaded places. New hybrid varieties produce flowers of many colours and flowers are available for a long time. 4-6 plants should be grown in a 25 cm basket.
Ipomea (Morning glory) - It is a plant grown in open sunlight. It is a climbing plant. Hence it grows uncontrollably. Its creepers climb basket wires. Flowers come in various colours.
Lantana delicatissima (Trailing lantana ) - It is a plant grown in open sunlight. It needs frequent pruning to improve its appearance. Good for hot and windy places, flowers keep coming for a long time. Best plant for combination pots.
Lathyris odoraus (Sweet pea ) - It is a plant grown in open sunlight. Dwarf and bush varieties which are tolerant to heat should be grown. Grow plants in pots and transplant them later. It is a cool season plant.
Layia campestris or L. elegans (Tidy tips) - It is a plant grown in open sunlight. Plant grows 30-45 feet high. Flowers are daisy-like.
Lobelia erinus (Fairy wings) - A plant that grows in partial shade in warm areas. Plants grow best in cool summers. Cascade varieties should be grown. The flowers are blue in colour. Plant 3-4 plants in a 25 cm basket. Pinch the plants to give them shape. Do not let the soil dry out.
Myosotis (Forget-me-not) - A plant suitable for growing in semi shade to sunny places. The flowers are blue.
Trapacolum majus (Nastritum) - A plant that grows in the open sun. Its annual varieties should be grown as they are dwarf.
Nemesia strumosa (Nemesia) - A plant that grows in the open sun. It is a plant of cold climate. Its dwarf varieties should be grown.
Nierembergia hippomanica Caeruleae (Cup flower) - A plant that grows in the open sun. Dwarf varieties should be grown. After heavy flowering, 7-10 cm of shear back should be given.
Oxalis oregano (Irish Shamrock, Redwood Sorrel) - It is propagated by division or bubblelets. Plants can flower at any time.
Pelargonium peltatum (Ivy geranium) - It is considered the best plant for sale in spring. Its leaves suffer from a problem called Edema. This can be prevented by keeping the medium pH 4.5-5.5 and increasing the level of iron and nitrogen.
Petunia hybrida (Petunia) - It is an open sunlight plant. Plant 6 plants in a 25 cm basket. Plant 3-4 plants in a 20 cm container. Some growers grow multiflora varieties densely.
Portulaca grandiflora (Portulaca, rose moss) – It is a plant that grows in open sunlight. It is the best plant for drought conditions and heat. It is an annual and freely flowering plant. Flowers start blooming after 8 weeks.
Sanvitalia (Creeping Zinnia) – It is a plant that grows in open sunlight. It bears double golden flowers.
Schlumbergera truncata (Christmus cactus) – It is propagated by stem cuttings. Which have at least two segments. Many new varieties of it have been developed. This plant flowers at the time of Thanksgiving.
Streptocarpus (Cape primerose) – Its hybrid varieties have been developed in Europe and USA. Whose leaves and flower color are very attractive. It is propagated by seeds, division of the plant or leaf cuttings. Its hybrid varieties keep flowering for a long time. Many varieties provide good plants for hanging baskets.
Thumbergia alta and T. gibsonii (Black-eyed Susan vine) - This is a plant that grows in open sunlight. It is grown from seeds or cuttings. Its vines flower for a long time. Plants should not be allowed to dry completely.
Torenia fournieri (Wishbone flower or torenia) - This is a plant that grows in shade and grows 20 to 30 cm in height. Its flowers are blue and purple in colour.
Verbena elegans Var, asperata (Verbena) - This is a plant that grows in open sunlight. It is the best plant for hanging baskets. It has pink coloured flowers which keep on blooming continuously. 6 cuttings should be planted in a 25 cm pot. Pruning should be done to give proper shape to the plant. When this plant is grown in cold temperature (13 cm), the colour of the flowers becomes attractive. The plants wilt quickly but recover quickly after watering.
Vinca rosea (Periwinkle ) - This is a plant that grows in shaded areas. Seeds are sown in January. Flowers appear in June. Its creeping variety should be grown in border type baskets. The variety called Little Blanche has white flowers which are very attractive.
Viola tricolor (Pansy ) - This is a plant that grows in open sunlight. This plant makes the hanging basket very attractive.
B. Foliage Plants
Asparagus densiflorus (Asparagnus fern, spengeri fern) – It can be grown by seed or plant division. It is an excellent plant for hanging baskets. It can tolerate temperatures up to 20°C. The tips should be pinched off without any damage so that they become bushy.
Cactus - Another group that provides excellent hanging basket plants include Aporocactus flageilliformis (Rat tail cactus), Chamaecereus sylvestri (Peanut cactus) Hylocereus unclotus (Night blooming cactus).
Ceropegia Woodii (Rosary vine, string of hearts) – Small, brown, tuberous, purple stems, this plant is succulent and requires low humidity and can be grown on small trellises. It is propagated by cuttings from tips or bulblets. Old stems are cut away to allow new growth to develop.
Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum' (Foliage light green and white) (Spider Plant, airplane plant) - One of the varieties is C. comosum picturatum which has white leaves with white or yellow stripes. C. comosum is a solid green leafed plant and deep pots are recommended for growing. Fleshy roots cover the entire plant. It is propagated by aerial plantlets and division of plants. It is not damaged even at 2°C temperature. Calcium level in the medium should be kept high.
Cissus rhombifolia (Grape ivy) - It is an excellent plant for hanging baskets due to its growth habit. It is propagated by tip cuttings or leaf-bud cuttings. When the plant is 3-40 cm tall, it is propagated by deep pots. When it becomes tall, it should be pruned so that new growth can take place easily. It is an excellent plant for house plant as it has low light requirement.
Cissus discolor (Trailing begonia, tapestry vine) — Its foliage is quite attractive. Do not give excess water. It is propagated by tip cuttings. Sometimes it should be pinched so that it becomes bushy.
Cissus antartica (Kangaroo Vine) — It is a plant with large foliage. It grows well in low light. It is grown by tip cuttings.
Crassula perforate (Weeping joint or necklace vine) — It is propagated by tip cuttings. It is an attractive plant as its side shoots keep developing continuously.
Epipremnum aureum (Marble queen ivy) -- Plant three small plants in a 20 cm pot. It is propagated from tip cuttings. It is a good plant for hanging baskets.
Ficus pumila (Creeping fig ) – Difficult to grow but good for hanging baskets. Propagated by tip cuttings. Grows as a creeper.
Fittonia Verschaffeltii argyronerura (Fittonia Silver nerve, Silver threads, mosaic plant ) – Forms leaves and cascades over the rim of the container. Slow growing. Propagated by plant division or tip cuttings. Do not over water it.
Ferns- Various species are grown for hanging baskets. Some of the important ones are-
Adiantum tenerum (Fan maiden hair fern), Asplenium daucifolium (Mother fern), Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensi' (Boston sword fern), N. exaltata Florida Ruffles (Florida ruffles sword fern), N. exaltata Compacta (dwarf Boston sword fern) Platy cerium bifurcatum (Staghorn fern), Polypodium aurcum (Hare's foot fern)and Pteris cretica Hedera helix (English ivy)- Several varieties of this species make excellent material for hanging baskets. It is pruned to promote new growth.
Flower to Put in Hanging Baskets
Helixine soleriolii (Baby tears)- It requires high humidity. It is a good plant for small hanging pots. It is propagated by tip cuttings. Its leaves are purple in colour. Pruning is also done to make it bushy.
Hoya carnosa "Compacta” (Compact Wax Plant) – An attractive plant to grow in hanging baskets. It is propagated by tip cuttings or stem segments. Its flowers are attractive and have good fragrance. It should not be grown in open sunlight otherwise the leaves will burn.
Oplismenus hirtellus variegatus (Basket grass ) – The leaves of this plant have white stripes which make it look attractive. It is propagated by cuttings or plant division.
Othonna crassifolia (Little pickles ) – The leaves of this plant are fleshy and round. It is propagated by cuttings and plant division. It is pruned to make it bushy. It has small and daisy like flowers.
Pellionia daveauan (Water melon begonia ) – A blind creeping species of P. pulchera (satin pellonia) has the ability to grow in a hanging basket. It is propagated by cuttings or plant division. The plants are pruned to give them shape.
Peperomia—Some of its species that are good for hanging baskets include P. caperata 'Emerald Ripple' (Emerald ripple peperomia), P. obusifolia Variegata (Variegated peperomia), P. sandersic (Water melon peperomia) and P.P. peperomia (Prostrate peperomia).
Pilea—Many of its species have been found to be good for hanging baskets, the prominent ones being P depressa (Creeping pilea), P. involucrata (Friendship plant), P. numalarii folia (Creeping charlie) and P. repens. It is a fast grower and is propagated by seeds or cuttings.
Pereskia'aculeata (Leafy cactus, Barbados goose berry, Lemon vine) - This plant belongs to the cacti family. It is grown from tip cuttings.
Plectrantus auistralis (Swedish ivy) – It is a plant of the mint family. Many other species of it are grown for hanging baskets, prominent among them are P. oertendahlit P minima and P. Coleoides ‘Marginatus' (Candle plant or Australian plant). These are fast growing plants. They are propagated by tip cuttings. Plants are pinched to give them proper shape.
Rhipsalis — It is a plant of the cactus family. It is propagated by cuttings. It is a slow growing plant.
Saxifraga stolonifera (Mother of thousands, strawberry geranium) — It is propagated by runners. Small plantlets develop on long runners. More water can be applied to them.
Sedum — Many of its species are grown for hanging basket plants. One of its popular species is S. Morganianum (Burro's tail) which is grown without water. It needs water from April to September. Its tails break easily, so it is difficult to transfer it from one place to another. It is propagated from tip cuttings or leaf cuttings. Its other major species are - S . Caeruleum, S. divergens, S. Sieboldii, S. brevifolium, S. dasyphyllum, S. pachy phylum I
Senecio - It is propagated from tip cuttings. It is pinched to make it bushy.
Tolmica Menziesu - (Pignyback Plant, Picaback plant, thous and mothers youth-on-age) Never let the soil dry out, this is grown from small plantets that grow on the leaves.
C. Herbs, Vegetables and Fruits
1. Herbs:
Chieves -- use clumps or seed heavily
Mint --- Excellent trailing plant
Parsley - -- use six plants in a 20 cm basket
Thyme ---- use creeping thyme
Rose mary ------ use creeping thyme
2. Vegetables:
Tomato --- Small fruit varieties should be grown.
Cucumber --- Dwarf non-creeping varieties should be grown.
Squash --- Dwarf non-creeping varieties should be grown.
Sweet potato --- Use a 25 cm pot with attractive leaves.
New Zealand spinach --- Good plant for summer grams.
Lettuce --- Cold climate crop.
3. Fruits:
Dwarf pomegranate —– Attractive plant and fruit.
Strawberries — Grow open root plants, grow only alpine or traditional varieties.
D. Standard or Tree form Plants
Hanging Plants
1. Azaleas — Azaleas look very attractive when grown in standard shape. This is more prevalent in Europe, where grafting of azalea trees is done. These are propagated by strong, well developed root cuttings, which have a single stem that grows straight. The plant is cut at a height of 100 to 120 cm. Pinch-outs should be done for more branches and bushy shape.
2. Geranium Thees — Geranium varieties grow straight upwards. These can be easily trained into trees or standards. This plant grows for 5 years or even more.
If geranium tree is sprayed with gibberellic acid at 250 ppm, its standard growth is achieved quickly- after spraying, standard growth is achieved in 4-6 months whereas plants without spraying are able to achieve this growth in 12-16 months.
3. Fuchsia Trees-- These trees are very popular in Europe, most garden centers especially in England keep them for 'retail sale'. These plants grow 1 to 2 meters high.
A fast growing plant with a straight stem is used and then the stem is also given support. The branches around are cut. When the plant reaches the prescribed height, the growth cup tip is pinched. The pinching operation can be continued till the desired shape and type is achieved. Some retail florists keep fuchsia plants that are more than 20 years old, only for display.
4. Heliotrope Trees - These plants can be grown from saplings or cuttings, but the saplings produce more standards than cuttings. Heliotrope is a long-lived plant when grown for standards. Plants trained in March or April produce large standard heads. Plants are often 1 m tall.
Flowering occurs four times from May to October. The flowers are plucked and the growing tips are taken to produce continuous flowering.
5. Ornamental Paper Trees - Pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants are trained to become standards. They are grown from saplings or cuttings that grow up to a height of 45 cm. The tops of the plants are kept in various shapes like balls, squares or cores. Fruits appear after 6 months. This plant is considered a novelty item which is produced after a very long time.
Points to note
Keep in mind that the soil medium in the baskets should not dry out. Hence, they need to be watered frequently. For this, a layer of coconut fibre, moss grass or sackcloth is spread on the bottom surface of the baskets.
The soil used to fill these baskets is 2 parts of compost, in which garden soil and mold are mixed in equal quantities and one part of cow dung manure is mixed together. If central plants like begonia etc. are to be planted, then 2-3 handfuls of sand should also be added to the soil mixture.
While planting the plants, keep in mind that the plants should not be small otherwise they may take more time to grow because the growth of plants in baskets is usually slow. Hence, first the plants should be planted in pots and when they reach the appropriate size, then they should be transplanted into baskets. There is no fear of the roots getting cut if the plants are planted in pots first.
While watering, it should be kept in mind that the soil of the basket should be completely soaked.
Manure and fertilizers should be given to the basket plants by dissolving them in water.
Sometimes, instead of baskets, special clay pots are also used. While making them, holes of 1-2 cm diameter should be made on all four sides. The shape of these pots can be round, square or oval.
Some useful plants for this purpose are – Asparagus, Orchid, Begonia Recumbens, Coleus, Cyrtodora Flagon, Fern, Freesia, Geranium, Lareniya, Lycopodium, Lobelia, Nasturtium, Petunia, Jaundice Microphylla, Pitonia Hybrid, Horrensia, Barbina, Vinca etc.