Kitchen with Garden

 Kitchen with Garden         

"Growing vegetables in the vacant land around the house to fulfill the needs of the family is called Kitchen Garden."

The practice of vegetable production in Kitchen gardens has been going on since ancient times, the main purpose of vegetable production in this is that the family gets fresh vegetables throughout the year. Apart from vegetables, fruits, flowers, sweet corn, bevy corn etc. are also grown in it. This is the reason why it is also called "Kitchen Garden". There is no aim of earning money in this type of vegetable production. Vegetables are selected according to the wishes of the family members. Small beds are made in the vacant land around the house. Crop rotation is adopted in the beds. In the last 4-5 decades, seeing its benefits and practicality in cities, the practice of growing vegetables in Kitchen gardens is gradually increasing and it has become a popular hobby.

There are different types of Kitchen gardens according to the availability of space. For example, in large plots, almost all important vegetables can be grown in the backyard of the house. Due to lack of space in small houses, vegetables can be grown in small beds or along the walls and in multi-story houses, vegetables can be grown on the balconies, houses or even in small drums.

                                                                                                                     Kitchen Garden

Advantages of Kitchen garden:-

(1) Fresh and tasty vegetables are available throughout the year as per the requirement of the family.

(2) Vacant land around the house is utilized properly.

(3) It is a good and pleasing hobby.

(4) Along with vegetables, flowers and fruits are also obtained.

(5) Vacant land around the house is utilized properly. 

(6) Water and garbage of the house is utilized properly.

(7) One does not have to go to the market to buy vegetables, which saves time.

(8) Vegetables of cheaper and better quality are available as compared to the market.

(9) There is saving in the expenditure on vegetables.

(10) Vegetables grown in the Kitchen garden are not affected by poisonous pesticides, which can be found in vegetables bought from the market.

(11) Eating more vegetables saves food grains.

(12) Kitchen garden is a good means of entertainment and good exercise for the whole family, in which all the members of the family get an opportunity to work and get entertained.

(13) It is helpful in teaching the method of training to the future children.

(14) There is no fear of the presence of bacteria of infectious diseases in the vegetables grown in the Kitchen garden, which is found in the vegetables bought from the market. 

(15) The environment around the house becomes clean and beautiful.

(16) From a psychological point of view, vegetables grown by oneself are tastier than vegetables bought from the market.

(17) One gets an opportunity to do creative work in a kitchen garden, which relieves fatigue, gives a feeling of energy and freshness and develops a clean mindset.

                                                                                                         Organic Kitchen Garden

Sowing time - Vegetables can be sown in the Kitchen garden three times a year, which is mentioned below-

(1) Kharif vegetables - These can be sown in June-July. Vegetables like Okra, chilli, cluster bean, brinjal, cowpea, Colocasia, bitter gourd, tomato, bottle gourd, ridge gourd, sweet potato etc. are cultivated at this time.

(2) Rabi vegetables - These can be grown in September-October. Vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, Knolkhol, radish, carrot, turnip, brinjal, tomato, mustard, potato, peas, onion, garlic, spinach, fenugreek etc. are cultivated at this time.

(3) Zaid vegetables - These can be grown in February-March. At this time, vegetables like Round Ground, Cucumber, Watermelon, Melon, Bottle Gourd, Ridge Gourd, Okra, Colocasia etc. are cultivated.

Layout of kitchen garden--

Kitchen garden should be near the residence, so that the family members can work in their free time and can also take care of it easily. As far as possible, beds should be made near the source of water like tap etc. so that irrigation is easy. Water coming out of the kitchen or bathroom should also be used properly in the Kitchen garden. Vegetables require more sunlight, so vegetable beds should not be made near big trees and in shady places.

If the land around the house is sandy or its soil is not fertile, then it can be made fertile by adding organic manure to it. Similarly, no matter how less space is, a good crop can be obtained by using improved variety of seeds.

Planned farming is necessary for crop management in the Kitchen garden. The sowing program should be planned before the season arrives. This helps in knowing the exact quantity of seeds, fertilizer, water etc. required for each vegetable as per the area so that a good crop of vegetables can be obtained with minimum effort and expense. The size of the Kitchen garden depends on the availability of land and the number of members in the family. An average family of 5-6 members needs an area of ​​25 m × 10 m to get vegetables throughout the year.

The design of the Kitchen garden depends on the size and type of the place, the interest of the family, the land, the climate and the selection of vegetables. A Kitchen garden planted in a proper manner is better than a large haphazard Kitchen garden. For proper care of a large garden, the width should be less and the length should be more. Permanent or long-lasting vegetables should be sown on one side and vegetables that ripen quickly should be sown in spread rows.

While planning a Kitchen garden, the following points should be kept in mind –

(1) Always sow vegetables in rows.

(2) Make compost pits on the sides of the vegetable garden.

(3) Grow pumpkin-like vegetables on three sides of the fence in summer and rainy season.

(4) Grow peas on three sides of the fence in winter.

(5) Always grow root vegetables on ridges according to the season.

(6) Plant grass in a little empty space, which will perform the function of greenery.

(7) Also make provision for flowers, fruits, creepers, maize etc. in the Kitchen garden.

(8) Follow the principles of crop rotation.

(9) Keep weeding the vegetables as per need and protect them from pests and diseases. 

(10) If there is sufficient space in the Kitchen garden, then plant fruits like papaya, lemon, pomegranate, banana, grapes etc. and flowers.

(11) To save space, grow spreading vegetables on the sides. Like - bottle gourd, ridge gourd, pumpkin etc.

(12) Plant 2-3 lines of some vegetables continuously at an interval of 8-10 days so that vegetables can be obtained for a longer period. Like tomato, brinjal etc.

(13) Grow short duration vegetables in the space between long duration vegetables. Like - radish or turnip etc. between tomato and cabbage.

Kitchen garden plan - A plan should be prepared before sowing in the Kitchen garden. It should mention the position of the beds, the vegetables to be grown and their varieties, the time of sowing, the distance between the plants and rows and the intercrops. While making the plan, it should be kept in mind that vegetables should be available continuously throughout the year.

                                                                Kitchen for Garden

Format of Kitchen Garden

For creeper vegetables like pumpkin, ridge gourd, bottle gourd etc. around the vegetable garden, pits of size 10 × 10 × 10 cm should be dug at a distance of two meters and filled with vermicompost or rotten cow dung manure. This will save space. Carrots, radishes, turnips and potatoes can be sown on the ridges. The main beds of the Kitchen garden can be used for growing different vegetables according to the crop cycle in this way -

                                                                                                          Herbs Garden Indoor

                  Vegetable crop rotation for kitchen garden                   








Round Gourd





Round Gourd

(November - March)






Turnip + Guar

(November - March)

Bitter gourd












sweet potatoes








Carrot +Radish






Cauliflower (early)

Cauliflower + coriander (green leaves)






corn (sweet)







Eggplant + Chilli


Amaranth + Cowpea

               Time and method of growing vegetables 


improved varieties

sowing or planting time

day of preparation


White Icicle, Scalent Red, RapidRed White Tipped, Scarlet Globe

 September to December



Chentni, Nantes, Zaino, Imperator, Early Hornk, Early Jam Imperator

October to December



Agrifound Dark

Red,Agrifound Light,Agrifound Red,Agrifound Rose,Red,Pusa Red,Early Grano,Brown Spanish

October to November



C.H-1, Co.1, Co.2 , Co.3 , G.3, K-1, K-2, M. D. U, N. P-46 A, X -235, K-5452

February and July


Bitter gourd

C.O.1, M.D.U.1, M.C.23,C.26, PVI-1





September to December



SIMPO S-33,NP-92.NP-95,NP-172,S-2-47

October to December



Agri font White,G-282,G-313,G-1,G-50,G-41,HG-1,IC-49382,IC-42891  




Accession ,Col-35, Col-117, Wayanad



                                                                          Kitchen with Garden

                       After Care of Kitchen Garden   


(1) Keep irrigating the Kitchen garden regularly and also make proper arrangements for draining out the excess rain water.

(2) For the availability of organic manure, make one or two small compost pits on one side of the Kitchen garden. Keep putting household waste, weeds, unwanted parts of vegetables etc. in them. Apart from this, use nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers as per the need.

(3) For pest control, use neem cake, malathion, metasystox.

(4) For disease control, use Blightox-50, Dithane Z-78 etc.

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